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Môn Tiếng Anh - Lớp 10


As people get older their bodies begin to run…………...and they have less immunity to disease. out B. low C. off D. down They…………...his broken leg in plaster. set B. fitted C. arranged D. tied After climbing the stairs to the sixth floor, I was completely out of………….... air B. breath C. wind D. gasp The hospital called for volunteer blood…………...after their supplies ran low. givers B. suppliers C. donors D. contributors According to a hospital spokesman, hopes were …………... last night that the victim would ever regain consciousness. decreasing B. increasing C. growing D. fading After six months of convalescence in a nursing home, Simon is finally on the………….... go B. top C. mend D. run Exercising generally begins with standing up straight, …………...slowly and then, letting your breath out evenly. inhaling B. exhaling C. ingesting D. airing Try something sharp-smelling under her nose, that might…………...if she’s still unconscious. bring her about B. bring her to C. get her over D. put her forward Before the group of doctors would give their opinion they wanted to…………... with each other. confide B. confess C. confirm D. confer Peter was from hospital last week. dismissed B. discharged C. released D. withdrawn In the stomach, the protein in food is…………...down into simpler substances by the action of acids and enzymes. broken B. knocked C. melted D. rendered Doctors advise people who are deficient …………...Vitamin C to eat more fruit and vegetables. for B. of C. from D. in If you don’t get your full…………...of sleep, your work will begin to suffer. extent B. quota C. degree D. ratio Half an hour after the patient arrived at the hospital, doctors were…………...him. operating B. operating for C. operating on D. operating to I still feel weak and tired. It’s taking me longer to get…………...the operation than I thought it would. over B. by C. up from D. through. The doctors thought he had got over the worst,but his condition suddenly ………….... disintegrated B. dismantled C. deteriorated D. dissolved In a five-hour operation, surgeons managed to sew the boy’s…………...hand back on. severed B. grazed C. crushed D. cut In the days before the widespread use of…………..., having an operation must have been a gruelling experience. aesthetes B. anaesthetics C. aesthetics D. anaesthetists The effects of the anaesthetic…………...after a couple of hours. wore off B. finished off C. dried up D. wiped out John needed………… remove his appendix. help B. surgery C. medication D. attention Although he is not fully…………...yet, he is making a good recovery. vigorous B. vital C. energetic D. active My father is suffering from a…………...infection. respiratory B. respiration C. breathing D. breath After a series of tests, the doctor was able to make a(n)………….... opinion B. conclusion C. result D. diagnosis You are advised not to engage in…………...activity during very hot weather. stringent B. strained C. strenuous D. stern He’s…………...his health, and takes dozens of vitamins every day. enthusiastic about B. fascinated by C. obsessed in D. fanatical about He still looks…………...after his illness. discoloured B. fair C. pale D. dull Too much exercise can be harmful but walking is good………… for B. by C. to D. with I was pleased to see how…………...she looked after her recent illness. right B. well C. pleasant D. nice It is…………...that we drink eight glasses of water a day. ordered B. advised C. insisted D. recommended Dan keeps in………… exercising on a regular basis. form B. condition C. shape D. health